Home Forums Parallels Desktop for Mac Mac OS X Guest OS Discussion My Mac Book Pro overheats when I run Parallels Discussion in ' Mac OS X Guest OS Discussion ' started by BillH6, Jan 23, 2017. Mac Fan Control (v 1.5.6) MorePowerTool Important! These adjustings of your system are your own responsibility, if you change something it is on your own risk - overheating your system and, at worst, burning components is possible.

Here, by ‘overheating’, we are referring to a MacBook which is very hot to touch yet functional. We are presenting you with five workable ways to deal with your MacBook overheating issue. MacBook Limitations. Your laptop can overheat due to various reasons. Sometimes, simply using it to its full capacity will overheat it. Ive answered this before, been a Mac user my entire life: The sad truth is that 99% of games run better in windows simply because windows has DirectX. I have a Mac, and i still play 70% of my games in macOS, but if you're looking for performance windows is the way to go.


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Parallels Mac Overheating


Parallels For Mac Overheating Mac

My 20' aluminum iMac seems to be overheating while running boot camp and playing some games. The games run perfectly fine (and look great - Oblivion and Mass Effect), but the top-left of the unit gets extremely hot and at times starts to make a whistling noise. At first I thought it was my speakers acting up, but then I felt how hot the unit was getting and realized where the noise was actually coming from.
Like I said, this hasn't actually affected the game at all. No slowdown, no forced quits because of low virtual memory or anything. I'm curious if this is something I should be concerned about and, if so, how concerned. Is there any remedy (i.e. can I force the fans to run more to keep it cooler)?
I have zero problems with it otherwise. I'll putting off games for now.
EDIT: Despite no errors of low virtual memory, could that be the problem anyways? If so, it'd probably get me to pull the trigger on upgrading to 4GBs, which I've been meaning to do for a few months.